Harris County MUD 342

The following information is being provided to help you become familiar with the policies and procedures relating to your water and sewer service. The neighborhood(s) included in this district: Camden Woodson Park Apartments, Summerwood, and Ten Pines at Summerwood Apartments.

Sign Up for District Alerts

The District respects your privacy. Your contact information will not be used for any purpose other than to communicate with you regarding District news and events.

Text Alerts

If you’d like to sign up to receive important news and updates from the district via text messages, you can send a text message to (832) 308-1717 with the word MUD342 and you’ll be registered.

Email Alerts

Third generation, family owned

Today MMIA operates over twenty water districts in northern Harris and southern Montgomery counties. Our decades of experience provides our customers with the confidence that they are in good hands.